Wednesday 6 November 2013

Watermelons and Pumpkins - An art in Food


Watermelon is certainly one of the most favourite fruits (especially for kids). But for others it is the source of their inspiration. I don’t know if you have seen such pictures where you could see a watermelon with a dragon, a rose, baby or even Eifel Tower.

It is really amazing. I always respect artists, any kind of artists. And these folks who create such masterpieces out of a plain fruit are really admirable. 

I remember seeing one watermelon with the face of Marilyn Monroe carved on it.  And the resemblance was so accurate. It is a shame that all of this art doesn’t last for long. I applause these artists and I admit that I am a bit jealous of them. I have always wanted to have such a talent. 

Who knows, may be I do have a talent that I still haven’t discovered. It is never too late, isn’t it? I just have to keep looking…


This week I have decided to share something also very impressive and cool due to Halloween.

These faces that you see in the gallery of pictures are actually made using simple spoon, a lancet on all real fresh Pumpkin. 

If creating art was Olympic game probably these cool orange faces would win the gold metal easily.
The father of these babies is well known artist based in Arizona Ray Villafane, a formal teacher of art, who is well known for his Pumpkin creations.

His talent is undeniable and imagination is great. Being able to create a real art from a simple pumpkin is something extraordinary and cool and of course worthy to mention.

Would it be funny to see my face carved on a Pumpkin? Would you like to see your face?